SOS - Side-by-side On Self-harm
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175,00 kr.
When in your professional work you work with people with developmental disabilities who self-harm and do not use typical conventional language, it can be a significant challenge to understand why they engage in self-harm. We cannot simply ask them, and self-harm presents an educational challenge.
This book provides professional caregivers with a framework of understanding from which they can work proactively and systematically with self-harm. It also suggests how self-harm can be viewed as a meaningful, regulatory strategy.
The book may help professional caregivers find the calm to step back a little and create space to examine what may be at stake when a person uses self-harm as a strategy to restore inner balance.
By focusing on the factors that burden the individual, we can gain an overview of the total pool of burdens and how these relate to one another. This overview can help us understand how complex the background of self-harm is, and why there is a need to intervene in multiple areas simultaneously.
The English version is funded by the North Jutland Region’s innovation prize.
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